
Oussema Dhahbi was born in Tunisia in 1993. He is a multidisciplinary artist, working and living in Montreal.

Going out of his comfort zone, being part of a new culture as an immigrant, and his profound passion for self-discovery has inspired him to dig deeply into discovering his inner creative being and exploring subjects like the subconscious, spirituality, displacement and identity. 

Intuition, curiosity and experimentation are his way of tuning into his creativity. He considers these notions as a foundation to capture the essence of change and transformation.

Having gone through significant life changes, he embraces transformation through exploring, experimenting and staying open to the unknown. 

By using found objects and tools such as paper, books, wood, burlap, tree branches or anything that could inspire him, he aims to give them a new life and bring them a new purpose in order to point out the similarities with the human experiences of geographical, political and psychological transformations. By creating textured sculptures, collages and paintings, his work is an invitation to explore his internal world and to question the cultural sense of identity. 

His work is an attempt to transcend cultural barriers. By looking closely into the details and textures of his work, he invites viewers to go into a deep internal contemplation, hoping that the work gives them a new sense of who they really are, and to bridge the gap between polarities like the seen and the unseen, the conscious and unconscious, death and life.